This helps me meet my nutrition goals!

What I'm doing now!

I'm currently using Shakeology and I'm working out with Turbo Fire. For more information visit:
Contact me at:

Things I LOVE: Beachbody Coaching

There are lots of cool things about being a Beachbody Coach!
Here are just some of the benefits:
* It's motivating to be involved with health and fitness
* You get 25% off all products
* You can work the business part-time or full-time
* Be your own boss
* No commute
* Low start-up cost
* No inventory
* Set your own hours
* Potential tax benefits
* Your personalized Web sites

If you have any questions about the Beachbody products, or want to be notified about the arrival of new products like Turbo Fire, or are interested in starting your OWN Beachbody Coaching Career, PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO EMAIL ME:

I personally love Beachbody's products and would recommend them to anyone getting into fitness, maintaining fitness, breaking past a plateau, or trying to inspire others into fitness. Bottom line, the Beachbody products really are top of the line and they work!

I’ve found that you have to do what works for you! I have a group of friends that I run with a couple times a week…and I LOVE it! For me it’s more than exercise, it’s a social outlet that I need. We motivate each other and it’s so fun. I’ve been a gym rat and I loved it…but after my 3rd child, I couldn’t lose those last 20 pounds! I was at my highest weight ever!! I tried to workout at the gym, but after getting there, my kids cried until they would call me to come and get them…I ended up with an hour round trip and 15 minutes of workout time! What a waste! I finally broke down and ordered Turbo Jam and p90x. I love working out every morning in my home with fun people and I feel like I am getting the best workouts of my life! A year later, I’ve lost those 20 pounds and I’m feeling better than ever!

In addition to Turbo Jam, I also regularly strength train (it's a MUST), and vary my workouts as much as possible... because I'm in this for life! Burn out is NOT an option. I’m active and my kids are active…we’re making exercise and a healthy life-style part of our lives and I love it!
We’re Lovin The Livin!!!